How to protect smartphones, tablets, computers, avoid losing money, data and identity to third parties or hackers

 Today, smartphones, computers and tablets are used to connect to shops, jobs, banking, research, monitor users' health and perform hundreds of other tasks anytime, anywhere.

What happens if your mobile device is hacked, lost or stolen?

These mobile devices can be used by cyber criminals to steal your money or identity using information on social media and email accounts stored on your mobile device. You may lose data such as photos, notes or messages (if your mobile device does not back up files).

How do you protect your mobile device?

1. Protect your mobile device Lock your mobile device with a passphrase, password, PIN, or password. Passwords should be hard to guess the date of birth and the original password of your mobile device is easy for cyber criminals to hack. Using passphrase is the safest. You might also consider using a face scan or fingerprint scanner to unlock your device.

Make sure your device is set to lock automatically after you stop using it for a short time. Do not recharge the device, leave it in a public place and avoid using the recharge device of unknown source, treat your phone like a bag. Keep your mobile device safe and with you at all times.

2. Protect apps and apps Use your mobile device's auto-update feature to install new apps and operating system updates immediately whenever a new version is available. Set your mobile device to require a passphrase / password before installing the application. For young children, parents should set the parental mode.

Please check the privacy permission carefully when installing new software on your device, especially free software, install any software that knows the exact source.

3. Data protection Enable locking and remote data deletion if your mobile device has this feature. Make sure you thoroughly delete personal data from your mobile device before selling or disposing of it.

4. Protect connection, turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi when not in use. Make sure your device does not automatically connect to the new Wi-Fi network.
